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Prologue: A Promise

August 11, 2009

Catch Up

This is my first blog post, well, ever. I’ve thought a lot about what it is to blog, and why I might like to do it. What can I contribute? Am I just regurgitating someone else’s ideas? Am I just adding to the internet “noise”? And does that mean I can never link sites or blogs that I find interesting? What’s my voice? Is it ever about me or my opinions? What’s my responsibility level to ensure that the reader is aware when it is just opinion? What’s the reader’s responsibility level?

Most of these questions have become rhetorical by default. I just don’t know, and I won’t know until I’ve done it.

So here’s my promise to you:

* I will always try to add primary sources and content.
* When I quote a section, or idea, I will always site it/link it.
* When I’m adding opinion, I will try to make it clear.
* I will only link or re-post blogs or sites when I find them interesting or relevant.

Here’s what I ask of you:

* Tell me when something is wrong.
* Remember that when discussing innovation and new research, very little of it is fact, but rather much is theory.
* Remember that I am not an expert.
* Comment! If you have an idea or thought, throw it out there!

Thanks everyone. Hope you all enjoy!

Keep spinning.


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